Health Equals Freedom with Nick Horowski

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This cannot be overstated, Health Equals Freedom. Let that sink in for a moment and then repeat it again. Health Equals Freedom. Yes, it really is that important and has come to light even more over the last few years as much of our freedoms have come under attack from all angles. Your mind is more powerful than you may ever realize. We all have what is beyond a “super computer” within ourselves and just need to learn how to use it effectively. With this powerful mind we can control our physical body and emotions quite easily. The power of the mind allows us to make sure that we eat good food, stay properly hydrated, maintain strength and endurance physically, get outside and enjoy some sunshine, sleep enough to repeat the next day. Yes all of this allows us to be physically free. With a strong mind we can also control our emotions to both up regulate and down regulate as needed. What it all comes down to is that we must maintain out health because health equals freedom whatever is thrown at us. This can come from all different angles. We are going to face challenges from our family and at work, but we really must stay free from many other outside influences that we see on television and with the government. Whichever side you are on you have freedom. We need to be healthy to stand for our freedom as well. Because of this I encourage you to not only work on cultivating a strong physical body, but also work on your mental and emotional bodies as well too. They are all greatly important which and one without the other will only lead to a body collapse. Think of the pyramid that can only be as tall as its base is wide. Build a bigger base and you will realize how much you can do. HEALTH EQUALS FREEDOM!


JP Sears Health Equals Freedom